Who is Mommy RN?

Who is this Mommy RN? You may be wondering who is this blogger and why am I even on her blog? Well hi there, I am Mommy RN, and here is 7 facts about me.
1) I am not a grammar expert.
Actually I can barely form grammaticaly correct sentences, I apologize for this fact upfront.
2) RN stands for registered nurse.
I am happy to give you my educated opinion on health topics but you can’t sue me for my opinions, when in doubt consult your physician.
3) I am a mom.
I have 3 awesome, energetic, exhausting kids. They call me mommy. I love baking and crafting with my “little chickens” as I call them.
4) I am a wife.
My hubby is the hottest man alive and I snatched him up when he was 16 years old. (we didn’t get married until our early 20s) I also have strong opinions on marriage which I am happy to share with anyone willing to listen.
5) I am completely inspired by the pioneer woman.
I was given The pioneer woman’s cookbook when I graduated high school (in 2009) I am not sure I would have ever started cooking if not for that book.
6) I live in the country on 15 acres.
Many young men dream of buying a house in the country with land but when they see the price tag associated with that dream they often settle for city life. My husband and I compromised for 15 acres close to town and this has inspired me to start gardening. Expect to see many blog post about this in the future.
7) I don’t know what I’m doing!
Mothering, gardening, life, they are all trial and error so this blog is to explain what I did succeed at that maybe you would like to try also. Or, you can read my “Pinterest fails” And learn from my mistakes. Either way it should be entertaining!
Thanks for reading!!
